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Facing corruption charges as a Michigan police officer can be an overwhelming and serious legal matter. It can have potentially severe consequences, including loss of employment, criminal penalties, and damage to one’s reputation.

The first and most crucial step is to consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney, especially one familiar with public corruption cases and the law enforcement environment. If you are a Michigan police officer being investigated or have been arrested and charged with corruption crimes, contact your former brother-in-blue, Ben Hall Law, our East Lansing criminal defense lawyer, who understands the responsibilities, challenges, and protocols of being a cop so you have one of your own fighting for your best interests.

Facing Corruption Charges

Our law firm can help you understand the charges, advise you on your legal rights, and develop a defense strategy based on the specific allegations.

What Types of Law Enforcement Corruption Cases Does Ben Hall Law Take?

The most common types of police corruption charges in Michigan involve allegations of officers abusing their authority or engaging in illegal activities while on duty.

Some of the most frequently encountered allegations include:

  • Bribery

Accepting money, gifts, or other benefits in exchange for favorable treatment, such as dropping charges, ignoring illegal activity, or protecting criminals.

  • Abuse of Power

Using one’s position as a police officer to intimidate, coerce, or unlawfully harm individuals, often in a way that violates civil rights or legal standards.

  • Misuse of Public Funds

Embezzling, misappropriating, or stealing funds allocated for law enforcement purposes, such as using departmental money or resources for personal gain.

  • Obstruction of Justice

Taking actions to interfere with an ongoing investigation or legal process, such as tampering with evidence, falsifying reports, or lying under oath.

  • Theft or Extortion

Using the position of authority to steal from individuals or demand money or valuables under the threat of arrest or other legal consequences.

  • Drug-Related Corruption

Engaging in illegal activities related to drug trafficking, such as protecting drug dealers, participating in the drug trade, or stealing drugs from evidence lockers.

  • Excessive Force

While this can also lead to civil lawsuits, excessive force cases can rise to the level of corruption if it is proven that the officer used violence for personal reasons or as a form of unlawful punishment.

  • False Arrest or Malicious Prosecution

Arresting or charging individuals without probable cause or for personal reasons, such as retaliation or to fulfill a corrupt arrangement.

  • Sexual Misconduct or Exploitation

Using one’s position to coerce or exploit individuals for sexual favors in exchange for protection, leniency, or avoiding arrest.

  • Falsification of Evidence or Reports

Tampering with or fabricating evidence, making false statements in official reports, or framing individuals to secure convictions or protect criminal associates.

These corruption charges are serious and can lead to severe criminal penalties, civil lawsuits, and loss of employment, making it essential for officers to seek legal representation if accused.

It’s essential to fully comprehend the specific charges against you and the potential penalties. We can help you through the entire legal process and protect your rights each step of the way.

Next Steps to Take When Facing Corruption Charges as a Michigan Police Officer

After you speak with our skilled law enforcement defense lawyer in Michigan, refrain from discussing the details of your case with colleagues, friends, or family. Anything you say could be used against you, whether in a court of law or an internal investigation. Only speak openly about the case with our law firm.

In addition to criminal charges, you may also face internal investigations or disciplinary actions from your department. We can help guide you through internal affairs procedures and advise you on responding to departmental inquiries.

Corruption charges threaten your freedom, career, pension, and future employability in law enforcement. It’s crucial to work with our attorney to understand the full scope of the potential consequences and explore all legal avenues to protect your rights and career.

Depending on the strength of the prosecution’s case, we may negotiate a plea deal to reduce the charges or penalties. This could involve admitting to lesser charges or agreeing to specific penalties to avoid more severe consequences. We will help evaluate whether a plea deal is in your best interest.

If the case proceeds to trial, we will prepare a strong defense, which may involve calling witnesses, challenging evidence, and disputing the prosecution’s version of events. Be ready to participate actively in your defense and follow our guidance throughout the trial process.

By taking these steps and working closely with our knowledgeable attorney, who was also once a Michigan police officer, you can navigate the complexities of corruption charges and aim for the best possible outcome in your case.

Contact Our Criminal Defense Lawyer in Michigan Today

Contact our criminal defense lawyer in Michigan to discuss your case with a trusted professional who believes in you and your case by calling (877)-236-4255 or contacting us online. Your fight is our fight. Let’s get started.